TMH News

COVID-19 Support Group: Finding Balance

Tokyo Mental Health’s fourth and final COVID-19 support group was held by JouAn “Anne” Chen MA, on May 24th 2020. Anne discussed how you can maintain mental health during the pandemic by finding balance. Watch the video below to learn techniques on how to maintain balance and achieve a positive mental health! Please don’t hesitate […]

COVID-19 Support Group: Communication Tools

Tokyo Mental Health’s third COVID-19 support group was held by Ryota Sakurai MSc AMFT, on May 18th 2020. The session topic was about communication tools. Watch the video below to learn how you could communicate with others effectively by using communication tools! Please don’t hesitate to contact us on [email protected] if you have any questions. Alternatively, you […]

COVID-19 Support Group: Setting Boundaries

Tokyo Mental Health hosted its second COVID-19 support group on May 11th 2020. This time, the group was hosted by our psychologist, Bronwen Dawson MSc, which focused forming and maintain healthy family boundaries at home during quarantine. Watch the video below to find out how to get started on setting boundaries! Please don’t hesitate to […]

COVID-19 Support Group: Mindfulness

In May 2020, Tokyo Mental Health hosted its first COVID-19 support group led by our director of psychological services. Watch the COVID-19 Support Group: Mindfulness video to find out how mindfulness can help you maintain your mental health! You can also find out more about mental health during the coronavirus pandemic on our resource page. […]

Self-Care During Quarantine

Author: Skylar Hom During such unprecedented times, it can be challenging to become accustomed to new routines. Many may find the need to stay at home to be rigorous, draining, and unfamiliar. Tokyo Mental Health would like to share some advice on self-care during quarantine. Keep a stable routine Most notably, the need to stay […]

Tokyo Mental Health Covid-19 Support Group

Are you struggling to access social support during the Covid-19 pandemic? Tokyo Mental Health will be running a weekly 4 part support group session specially designed for those feeling in need of warm and understanding peer support – which can be difficult to get during times of strict quarantine measures and social distancing. The group […]

Take care

A friendly reminder that our therapy team at Tokyo Mental Health are here to provide you with the support you need. Tokyo Mental Health will continue to provide mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will remain open as usual every day from 9:00am until 9:00pm. It’s OK to ask for help! We are […]


新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19新冠肺炎)的爆發導致許多國家實施了居家檢疫和自我隔離的政策,影響接觸傳染病或有症狀的人的可能性。在家中或專門設施中進行檢疫或隔離通常是讓人不愉快的經歷,對心理健康的負面影響包括憤怒、焦慮、憂鬱、失眠、或創傷後壓力症候群的症狀(Brooks et al., 2020)。

新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)感染予防対策による メンタルヘルスへの影響について

新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の発生により、世界の多くの国々においてはウイルス感染予防対策の一環として、自己隔離を要請しています。しかし、ソーシャル・ディスタンシング(感染予防戦略を示す言葉で、“感染拡大を防ぐために物理的な距離をとる”という意味)のための自宅待機や指定施設においての自己隔離によって、不便や不自由を感じることも少なくありません。そして、そのような状況下における心理的影響として、怒り、不安、抑うつ、不眠、心的外傷ストレス障害(PTSD)などがあることが示唆されています(Brooks et al., 2020)。

COVID-19: Social distancing, isolation and mental health

Author: Yu Yamamoto, MSc. Although social distancing is a key to reducing the risk of infecting others, it is important that we remain mindful about its potential psychological impact, especially to those who are generally more vulnerable in difficult times like now. The outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has led many countries […]