
COVID-19: Social distancing, isolation and mental health

Author: Yu Yamamoto, MSc. Although social distancing is a key to reducing the risk of infecting others, it is important that we remain mindful about its potential psychological impact, especially to those who are generally more vulnerable in difficult times like now. The outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has led many countries […]

Tokyo Mental Health Welcomes Bronwen Dawson

Tokyo Mental Health would like to welcome Bronwen Dawson to our expanding team of psychologists. Bronwen graduated with a master’s degree in Abnormal & Clinical Psychology from Swansea University in the UK. She was on placement as an assistant psychologist in the NHS before moving to Japan. At TMH, Bronwen specialises in psychological assessments for […]

Tokyo Mental Health Welcomes Yu Yamamoto

Tokyo Mental Health would like to welcome Yu Yamamoto to our Psychological Evaluation Team! Yu has a master’s degree in Psychology from Maastricht University in the Netherlands. She previously worked as a researcher at a research institute in Japan, with her main research focus on the development of pro-social behaviour and empathy during the developmental […]

Trust Yourself

When we are in the midst of struggle, it is easy to forget all of the challenges we have already conquered. Stop for a few minutes to remind yourself of everything you have achieved and overcome up to this point. Feel free to review them mentally, write them down, or list them verbally. Use these […]

Understanding Eating Disorders

Skylar Hom February recognized National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDAwareness Week) this year from February 24th to March 1st. NEDA is a week recognized in the United States that aims to bring attention to the prevalence of eating disorders. Eating disorders are mental and physical illnesses that are characterized by abnormal eating or exercise habits […]

How to Tell Your Partner You Want to go to Couples Therapy

Proposing couples therapy to your significant other can be a daunting task, regardless of where you are in your relationship, or the reasoning for seeking therapy. Check out this article from Vice to learn the best ways to discuss therapy with your loved one! If you are interested in couples therapy for you and your […]

TMH Therapy Group For Substance Misuse

Tokyo Mental Health will begin hosting Tokyo’s first evidence based therapy group for problematic use of substance, gambling, etc., from March 7th. If you, or someone you know, is dealing with those conditions and is interested in participating in group therapy, please contact us at: [email protected]

TMH Welcomes Anne

TMH would like to welcome Anne to our expanding counseling team! Anne has a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family therapy and also received a Certificate of Advanced Study in Child Therapy from Syracuse University. She provides services to individuals, couples, and families. She is experienced in working with clients with various mental health difficulties […]

Goal Setting in the New Year

Skylar Hom A new year comes with a fresh outlook on life, which is often considered one of the greatest benefits of the upcoming year. One of the most common traditions with this spirit in mind are New Year’s resolutions. We are inspired to change things that we perhaps feel dissatisfied about with our current […]

The Second Edition of the Tokyo Mental Health Newsletter!

The second edition of the Tokyo Mental Health Newsletter is here! Check it out for information about recent blog posts, new staff, and upcoming programming. Thank you for your ongoing support, and we wish you all a wonderful 2020!